Saturday 6 April 2013

Nearly finished!

So next week sees us sit the final six exams of the ATPL groundschool. In some ways I can't believe how quickly the time has passed, and in other ways, it feels like it's the only thing I can remember doing!

CP101 on our last official day at CTC Nursling
(they even arranged a spotlight for me)

We sat our mock exams just before Easter and they all seemed to go quite well so the last couple of weeks have been about consolidating the areas that were a little weaker and making sure everything stays current in preparation for next week. 

Away from the revision, I was lucky to spend a few days in Glasgow doing something resembling my old job i.e. playing the organ in the Cathedral. Here was the view down the Nave one evening after practising:

By happy co-incidence, the regular organist of the Cathedral, for whom I was deputising, is a PPL holder and was able to take me and a friend up in his PA-28 Warrior from Prestwick to see some of the beautiful sights of the area. We overflew Glasgow and came back down the coast taking in the Isle of Arran, Loch Lomond and Loch Fyne before coming in to Prestwick just as the sun was setting. All in all, a fabulous way to round off the weekend before coming back to Southampton (via home) to get stuck in to all the work again. Here are a few photos from the trip (with apologies for the quality):

The centre of Glasgow from 2000' showing the Necropolis and Cathedral near the top

View down the Clyde heading back out to the coast

Tracking the coastline back to Prestwick

Short finals to EGPK

The next post will be from Hamilton, NZ in just under 3 weeks' time and will, I hope, involve rather more of this sort of thing:

Port Waikato